We are hand maker factory having 20 years in producing genuine handbags, wallet, belt and other leather products. Our orders have come form different parts of the world. We choose the best materials and keep in step with the latest fashions. We believe all our productions meet every customerfs need.

As we know choosing suitable materials is crucial to producing our high quality products, we select various types of leather very carefully from different countries. Afterwards, we use our sophisticated techniques to blend these different materials with some artificial materials to make our fine products.

Another advanced technique we have is to dye our materials by making the best use of their original gloss and colours to create our unique colours with close reference to the modern trends.

We also attach importance to designing in our production processes. To design our products, we usually develop our creative ideas based on the different characteristics of our materials. Therefore we are able to make chic and popular products.

As we specialize in producing handbags, wallets and female accessories, we fervently welcome any client who request us to make products with leather, PVC, nylon, canvas, velvet and other materials.

When produce leather products, at first we divide skin and start a machine and must start accurate area and length. Much technology is necessary to make one product. Therefore we form an engineer a team led by a skilled worker in us and reinforce
the system so that the product of the high quality is made efficiently by making a process a line every specialized field. In addition, even as to education introduces an assist system led by a skilled worker and it is it with all one companies and aims at the improvement of the production technology.

We have many well-experienced designers, sample masters and professionals who are well-versed in negotiating with the entrepreneurs along the coastal areas of China. With their support, we can run our business very smoothly, engross ourselves in our production and concentrate on other related business.
Besides, we have a lot of expertise in quality control, packaging and logistics. Thus every detail is meticulously managed.

To cater for customersf needs, we select high quality materials from different parts of the world and make them ready for them to choose. Moreover, our factories are well-equipped with sophisticated production machines and advanced computers. Such facilities, together with good management and mechanism, constitute an optimal environment for our production.
All in all, pooling all our effort to produce high quality products has been our mission. Our quick response to customersf requirements, our attractive prices and meticulous administration of our business have won customersf trust. We strive to meet every customerfs needs by making the best use of our experience. With all these attributes, we can adapt to this era of diversity very well and evolve into a strong sophisticated enterprise.